KaposvárTourist information, pictures, and hotels for Kaposvár, Hungary![]() The first significant event in Kaposvár's history came in 1061, when Ottó (Palatine of Hungary) founded a Benedictine monastery in the area. The ruin of this ancient structure is now the city's oldest historical site. The castle was built in the 14th century and destroyed after the Rákóczi War of Independence - its remains are barely visible today. The elevated area north of the castle was the scene of rebuilding in the 18th century and the expanding population meant construction of several new public institutions such as the county hall (megyeháza) or the pharmacy (gyógyszertár). By the beginning of the 20th century, the National Casino, Saint Emerich church (Szent Imre templom) and the reformed church were all completed. In 1990, Kaposvár was southwestern Hungary's second most populous city and the city achieved county ranking. In 1993 it became an Episcopal center and János Hild received an award for the reconstruction of the city center. The city's Gergely Csiky theatre (Csiky Gergely színház) is home to several notable cultural events where along with musicals and prose, children's plays are also quite common. Kossuth square (Kossuth tér), its most beautiful public space, houses City Hall (Városháza) and the Cathedral (Nagyboldogasszony Székesegyház). One should also visit the city's first and architecturally quite remarkable Golden Lion Pharmacy (Aranyoroszlán Patika). Among Kaposvár's museums, József Rippl-Rónai's villa (Rippl-Rónai József villa), Vaszary Gallery (Vaszary Képtár), Pannon Gallery (Pannon Galéria), the Mineral Museum (Ásványmúzeum), the Steiner Collection (Steiner Gyujtemény), and the Lazarine Scent Collection (Illattár) are especially recommended. Aside from Kaposvár's cultural offerings, we might also mention some of the city's other leisure-oriented locations and events. Those who wish to soak a bit can visit the Kaposvár City Baths (Kaposvári Városi Fürdo) thermal-, swimming-, and children's pool. The surrounding forests and lakes are superb for any nature enthusiast, while horse fans can visit the Horseback Riding Academy (Lovasakadémia) or other riding facilities near Deseda lake (Deseda-tó). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() City/region attractions: * historic buildings * museums * parks * theaters Hotels: | Contact us E-mail: ![]() Tel.: +36 1 900 9071 Fax: +36 1 900 9079 All rights reserved. |